
—Mahendra prakash—

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can-stock-photo_csp18031390Introduction to the Unity in Diversity In India


India is a land of Unity in diversity. High mountain ranges, vast seas , large river-irrigated lands, countless rivers and streams, dark forests, sandy deserts, all these have adorned India with an exceptional diversity. Among the peoples there are numerous races, religions and languages.

Diverse Races enriched the Indian Ethnicity and Culture


The modern Indian civilization has been nourished and developed by multiracial contributions. From times immemorial, diverse races migrated into India by via land and sea routes and get themselves settled here. In course of time they are absolutely absorbed in India’s social life.

The ancient ethno-linguistic groups, such as, the Aryans, the Austrics, the Negritos the Dravidians, the Alpines and the Mongoloids, had combined to constitute the modern Indian race.

In the historical period, diverse branches of the aforementioned unique ethnic groups – the Persians, the Pallavas, the Kushanas, the Greeks, the Sakas, the Huns, the Portuguese, the Arabs, the Turks, the English and the European races came to India, and enriched Indian ethnicity and culture by their contribution to the same.

India is a Place of Re-Union of Many Religions


In respect of religion in India, there is no end of its range. India is the place of reunion of many religions and languages of the world. Here the Hindus, the Sikh, the Christians, the Muslims, the Jews, the Buddhists, the Jains and the Parsees live abreast of each other.

Besides this, the aborigines living in the jungles or in the hill areas have various ancient religious customs which they carefully observe. Again, in different regions and among different races, social customs and usages assume different shape and character.

Diverse Languages and Unity in India


The Indian people composed of several racial elements have a range of languages among them. Official accounts confirm that more than two hundred languages are present in this country. Each region has its own language.

Acceptance of Sanskrit Language across different Provinces of India


In different regions, the Hindus use diverse languages but Sanskrit, is acknowledged and honored as the sole language of spiritual scriptures and literature. It was through Sanskrit that the learned community of all provinces exchanged their ideas and thoughts. Different languages current in different provinces owe their origin to Sanskrit.

Concept of Indivisible India is prevailing since Ancient Times


Since the ancient times, the powerful kings were inspired with the ideal of one, indivisible India. This prompted them to make conquests of lands stretching from the Himalayas to the seas.

Sense of Unity among diverse Indian Cultures and Society


The social customs and traditions which the Indians irrespective of caste, race and creed observe in all parts of the country contain within them a sense of Unity. It has kept alive a message of Unity in Diversity in India.

Following the different tradition and culture which diverse societies in India have developed, there lies a sense of unity which keeps the people of India bonded together. This fundamental unity can observes among all the Indian tribes and races. The Vedas, the Puranas, the Upanishads and the Gita are the holy treatise of all the Hindus, though many of them speak dissimilar languages. The Ramayana and the Mahabharata are the core epics of the Hindus. Places of pilgrimage lie at various different places in India, and the Hindus of all castes and creeds visit them. The basic rituals of worship are also similar in all places. The Water of the Ganges, Godavari, Yamuna, Sind and Brahmaputra are regarded holy by every Hindu. In fact, this link of fundamental unity grew up on the foundation of customary Hindu religion.

Buddhism and Jainism were, in their early stage, anti-Vedic in outlook and contents, but in course of time they were mostly amalgamated into the greater fold of Hindu religion.

Hindu-Muslim Unity in India


Though, there are differences between the Hindu and the Muslim communities in regard to their customs, ideology, and rituals. But since centuries, they were born in and brought up by the same mother-land. They live together and have deep respect for each other. This explains the growth unity among the Hindus and the Muslims in India. On many matters, they influence one another, and are inspired by the ideals of oriental civilization.


  • ——we conclude that India is a land of Unity in Diversity———

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பெருந்தலைவர் காமராசர்

1.சட்டை பையில் ……………………..ரூபாய் 100
2.வங்கிகணக்கில்……………………..ரூபாய் 125
3.கதர் வேட்டி…………………………………………….4
4.கதர் துண்டு ……………………………………………4
5.கதர் சட்டை…………………………………………….4
6.காலணி………………………………………ஜோடி 2
7.கண் கண்ணாடி ………………………………………1
8.பேனா ……………………………………………………..1
9.சமையலுக்கு தேவையான பத்திரங்கள் -6

இது யார் சொத்து விபரம் தெரியுமா?
பத்து ஆண்டுகள் தமிழக முதல்வராகவும்,பல ஆண்டுகள் அகில இந்திய காங்கிரKamarajar இந்தியாவில் இரண்டு பிரதமர்களை உருவாக்கிய பெருந்தலைவர் காமராசர் மறைந்த போது அவரிடம் இருந்த மொத்த இருப்பே இது தான்……

.இன்றைய அரசியல் வாதிகளுக்கு இவர் பெயரை சொல்லவே அருகதை கிடையாது